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Just another usual morning
February 21, 2014 | 8:39 AM | 0 love(s) ?

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I should label this blog super woman and her sidekick!

I get up every morning at 6 am, feed the cat, feed myself, play a game or watch a show, do the litter box, do the dishes, make my husband coffee, wake him up, make myself representable as a human being for work, entertain the cat if I have some spare time and all of that, befor my dear husband even bats an eye and cares to rise. And I'm not even rushing.

And sometimes he even has the nerve to nag on me why I didn't put my lap top back. 
Come talk to me when you manage to get up yourself in the morning :D

Love, superwoman <3

Oh the silence!
February 19, 2014 | 1:13 PM | 0 love(s) ?

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I want to revamp this blog!

It's nearly impossible to focus on fashion and the likes if you're busy with work and have close to no social life (this part is in the making though!) ... So I'm thinking about s shift to something I can write about frequently and not once in a millennium.

There are several ideas floating in my mind but nothing is really concrete yet. Maybe I have to focus my life first. Haha.

Wanting to have a well received blog is harder than I thought!

August 13, 2013 | 5:32 PM | 1 love(s) ?

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Alright, before I go on with any other posts I'll tell you about those big news, now that my family and friends know.

I'm pregnant.

The first time I went to the doc it was too early to see anything, two weeks later I got my first picture. I'm now in week six.

I don't know how much or if you're even interested at all, but I'd like to write something down about it from time to time especially for myself, so I wont forget about it in a couple of years. I know I could do that with a private diary, but I seriously suck with those! Believe me, I've tried. So bear with me, please?

Everything else, that happened, I'll tell you in the next post.

That's all,


August 3, 2013 | 7:42 AM | 2 love(s) ?

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I know I'm being silent again, but there was lots of work the past weeks with no complete weekends, therefore no time to go out. There's really nothing I could blog about that might be of interest to you, ...

ok, there is one thing!

But I'll announce that a little bit later. It's actually big news.

In the meantime, here's my face - haha. Again. Btw, I love my new lower lashes, Jewerich No.3. I always saw other girls using them and finally found some. Not every store carries them.
Oh, the grey in my hair is slowly fading, as expected and it's getting more ash-blond like.

that's all,

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Fresh Light - Mirror Ash
July 18, 2013 | 8:21 AM | 0 love(s) ?

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Here I am with the promised review!

So this morning, I dyed my hair with Fresh light Mirror ash.

This is the package. On the back you've got a color chart of what to expect according to your current hair color.

I bought this one at my local drug store and it was dirty cheap! Not even 400 Yen, so about 4 Euro, which is, hands down, nothing. I already read, that this dye won't stay very long and gradually fade, whenever you wash your hair and that's why I won't expect it to last for a long time nor do I want it to. I will keep you updated about this point, since everyones hair is different as is the result.

I put the ingredients together as written down, shook it, put it in my hair and waited for about 15 minutes.

I already saw my hair changing when I wasn't even finished dying all the parts.  I should tell you my hair was blond with some very white-ish parts and some darker parts, what also influenced the end result.

This photo shows my hair before, with the dye in it and after washing and blow-drying.

The nearly white parts turned extremely gray and in our artificial light in the bathroom even a little bit blue-ish.
The darker parts look more like the last color on the package's color chart, which would be an ash blond and not grey.
The ash blond and grey are kind of different, so if you look for an even color I wouldn't recommend it if your base color isn't even. If you're not too much bothered about it, just use it. Personally, I'm not bothered too much but have yet to see the color in normal day and sun light.

My hair neither feels dry nor damaged, a big plus if you'd ask me.

All in all, thinking about the price it's a good deal if you can live with the downsides of not changing your hair color evenly if your base is not even and not lasting for a long time (probably). The result is a bit darker, than I thought it would be, but very nice nonetheless! If you look for a temporally change to grey, this is your dye! 

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Coming up soon
July 17, 2013 | 6:19 PM | 0 love(s) ?

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Ash hair incoming!
I bought the dye before work and now I'm on my way home, as soon as I got results you'll get a review ( ̄▽ ̄)

That's all

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a swift moment
July 15, 2013 | 9:59 AM | 0 love(s) ?

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Sorry for the wait!

It's been about a month and I'm really sorry, that I didn't update!
Let me fill you up, with what happened, besides Japan getting awfully hot.

A while ago my husband and me went fishing. He is really into it and I came to like it, too. Not as much as he does, though. I'm not really keen on learning a lot about it and I don't mind if I catch something or not, I just think it's really relaxing. And another big advantage, you can get a nice tan ψ(`∇´)ψ
The second picture is from another fishing trip around Atami, we went to some weeks later.

Since we couldn't catch anything we decided to quit after a few hours and went for a drive to Kamakura. There are a lot of temples to visit and the overall atmosphere is very calm and soothing, even if the town is bursting with tourists.

Since summer ist the festival season you could see a lot of colorful decorations around. Because it was so hot, we ate an awesome mango ice-cream. It was made form coconuts milk and shaved, so it looked like and also was as fluffy as snow. A totally new ice experience!

Before we went home, we shortly stopped by the probably most famous temple in Kamakarua, the Hachimangu. Let me tell you, at new years, when everyone visits a temple, this one is awfully crowded.

A week or two later we met some friends of my husband at Shibuya over some drinks (quiet a lot, actually).

 In a very long time I wore one of my d.i.a dresses again. I bought it about 2 years ago. I wanted to go for a completely different look, but I was not satisfied with my wardrobe and myself that day, so I ended up wearing this dress.

The next events are connected to my little hiatus.

The day after we went to Shibuya, we heard a little kitty crying outside. We already noticed that some time ago, but that day it was pretty consistent, so my husband and my decided to take a look. It didn't took us a lot of time to find the poor little thing.
We took him home and to the vet immediately. Except for a cold he was fine, just about a month old.
My mother in law was never a big fan of cats, but he soon won her over and was part of our family.

Sadly not for a very long time.

After not even 2 weeks Reo, that was his name, passed away.

I promised to him and to me, that I won't be sad anymore, cause that wont change anything. Instead I feel very grateful that Reo was, and still is, part of our family. If he likes us as much as we did, I'm sure he'll find us again in one way or another.

Thank you

 That's all

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